Join us!
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Prime at the Plaza, Empire State Plaza, Concourse
Lunch and Q&A Session
12:30 - 3:00 or 3:30 PM
Meeting with lawmakers
NYSPHA Statewide Agenda* for this legislative session will focus on:
Requires all SUNY campuses to be tobacco free on their property – S4853B- Hannon/A7277B-Mosley
Tobacco free college campuses are a growing trend in NYS to protect nonsmokers from secondhand smoke and reduce addiction among young adults. In June 2012, the SUNY Trustees voted to support legislation to make all of their campuses tobacco free.
Adds E-Cigs to the Clean indoor Air Law – A8178A-Rosenthal /S6562-Hannon
Makes the restrictions relating to smoking in public areas applicable to electronic cigarettes
Creates nutrition standards for children’s meals that are sold with toys – S937-Rivera/A5886 - Ortiz
Given the high rates of childhood obesity and the restaurant industry’s failure to address toy giveaways with children’s meals, this law would create nutrition standards for children’s meals that would need to be met in order to include a toy.
*For a complete listing of our Association's statewide agenda, please visit
NYSPHA will provide a stipend to members to help cover transportation costs, parking and lunch.