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  • Tickborne Illness in New York State

Tickborne Illness in New York State

  • 25 Jul 2023
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • Online Webinar


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Presentation Description:

Bryon will discuss past, present, and future projected tickborne illness trends in New York. Bryon will also discuss the ways in which climate change and other factors have changed the risk for tickborne illness. Lastly, Bryon will share prevention tips that can be implemented in education and public health outreach to reduce tickborne illness risk.
Webinar Sponsored  By:  Hashir Products

Webinar Speaker Bio:

Byron Backenson, MS

Bryon Backenson, MS, is the director of the Bureau of Communicable Disease Control in the Division of Epidemiology at the New York State Department of Health.  In this capacity, he oversees the Department's investigation of communicable disease outbreaks in New York and collaborates with other states and CDC on multi-state outbreaks. Bryon is also an Assistant Professor with the University at Albany School of Public Health.  He directs and teaches the annual Infectious Disease Epidemiology course and provides lectures in several other graduate and undergraduate courses.  

New York State Public Health Association

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Albany, NY 12203
Tel: 518.427.5835

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