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  • Improving Nutrition, Physical Activity and Academic Performance in Schools

Improving Nutrition, Physical Activity and Academic Performance in Schools

  • 06 May 2010
  • 8:30 AM - 3:59 PM
  • Saratoga Springs, NY


  • Registration to the pre-conference workshop on May 6, 2010. Materials and lunch will be provided.
  • Registration to the pre-conference workshop on May 6, 2010. Materials and lunch will be provided.

Registration is closed

An interactive workshop that provides an overview of the Breakthrough Series Methodology as it applies to the priority area of physical activity and nutrition in a school setting. Numerous studies have shown a direct link between good nutrition, regular vigorous activity and increased academic performance among children. This is explained within the context of the Healthy People 2020 national objectives and Prevention Agenda toward the Healthiest State.

Who Should Attend: Local health department staff, school staff committed to improving health policies, school cafeteria managers, community-based organizations partnering in a school setting

We encourage teams of two staff from an organization or a county who have a specific improvement project in mind to participate. Limited stipends are available to cover conference costs for registration, travel.  Space is limited. 

This workshop is made possible by funding from John Snow, Inc. received from the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, US Department of Health and Human Services and is being presented by the New York State Department of Health, Office of Public Health Practice.


Morning: Introductions, Healthy People 2020 Action Framework, Improvement Model

Mid-Morning: Review how these were tested in three school communities

Afternoon: Roundtables: Adapt the Framework and Improvement to local needs


Faculty: Staff from Cornell University Food and Brand Lab, Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Center, New York State Department of Health


Register by Friday, April 23, 2010.


New York State Public Health Association

PO Box 38127
Albany, NY 12203
Tel: 518.427.5835

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